This is my first ever rebuild project. So, taking to my new pride and joy, with white knuckled brute strength and shiney new ring spanners, I was definately a little aprehensive at first. I decided on a plan, and set my self small goals, and proceeded to remove some wiring and whatnot for the lights etc, after pulling the hideous 35kg seat and luggage rack off.
It started to come apart very quickly. Nothing like a car. I thought to myself that it could easily be pulled down in a matter of hours. And, low and behold, time split over a week and a bit, it
was pulled down in a matter of hours.
The thing that suprised me the most, was just how agricultural everything is, and, heavy. Terrible hand done welds, mis-aligned frame pipework, tractor running board style footpegs weighing in at a metric ton! The engine had me in histerics, just basking in its shoddily painted, over sized heft. I, of course, with no means of making things easy, or, even an extra pair of hands, bumbled along pulling bolts out till that "ooh, I've pulled a few too many bolts out now..." moment swiftly followed by the "shoot, looks like the engine is coming out!" so, I wedged an old computer subwoofer, (the only thing with in leg reach whilst arms were stretching laden with the engine's mass) under the engine, and proceeded to do my best to give myself a hernia. That engine, must weigh well over 100kg. Just incredible.

I skidded it to a safe place on a piece of carpet and sat, sore, exhausted from my 10mins of hard labour, with arm pump and a throbbing sensation in my lower back. I pondered. Looking back and forth from my 2010 Gixxer, to the CB's air cooled heart that sat in front of me. The Gixxer's 750 donk, is about 2/3 the width, 2/3 the height, 1/2 the weight, and, yes.... over TWICE the horse power!
Got to love technology.
Now what? T
he thinking begins. Who, What, When, Where, and How, am I going to attack this frame, and how am I going to design the new rear fender etc....